
Love is Kind

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Luke 10:27


Our Mission

To manifest the Kingdom of God by showing kindness to underserved communities of the Caribbean, providing aid and resources to develop and empower them – giving hope for a better future.


Our Programs

Kingdom Kindness Ministries provides programs and services to the underserved communities of the Caribbean islands. Underserved communities are those who experience multidimensional poverty in areas of income, education, employment, living standards, health, voice and other freedoms. Kingdom Kindness Ministries programs will focus on children and elderly individuals who are deeply affected by these levels of poverty.



Support the Emmanuel Baptist School in Port-de-Paix, Haiti for annual tuition sponsorship of $35 per child per month, and equivalent of $350 per child for the school year. 

 The school was founded by Pastor Wisly Bregis and members of his church, Emmanuel Baptist Church, out of the need for an elementary school in their community.  They are now in their 5th year with 100 students enrolled in Kindergarten-5th Grade.  No tuition is charged to the parents and the school also provides 2 meals daily and materials for the children since the parents cannot afford to do so.  Your contribution will provide the support that a child needs to get the necessary foundational education they deserve.


Our Impact

KKM Infographic 2020